
Second Use Patents as protection strategy for use of drugs in COVID-19 treatment

Posted on: 22/4/2020


By Nicola Sgrignoli Fuganholi

Several technologies are being developed aiming to tackle covid-19 over the world. The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences of University of São Paulo estimates to individually test around 2,500 drugs to combat the disease up to the end of the next few weeks, trying to find different uses of molecules and drugs that already exist for treating and fighting the new disease.

In this context, second use patents make up an important strategy for the protection of molecules and drugs that may prove to be effective in the treatment and prophylaxis of a new disease, being even favored by the last BPO’s Resolution n. 149, which instituted the priority examination modality of patent applications for pharmaceutical products and processes, equipment and materials for the covid-19’s diagnosis, prophylaxis and treatment.

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