
Note on the backlog of trademark applications pending first examination

Posted on: 12/12/2016

Note on the backlog of trademark applications pending first examination

The backlog relative to the examination of trademark applications has been decreasing, albeit remaining high. According to the information disclosed in november by the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BPTO), in October of 2015 there were 471.565 pending applications within this examination stage, whilst on the same month of 2016 this number decreased to 428.889. This backlog, as well as the amount of examiners, has been oscillating in the past 10 years. Currently, trademark examination decisions are focused on unopposed applications that were filed until May of 2014, and on opposed applications filed until July of 2011. In conclusion, although we can see an effort of the BPTO in diminishing its backlog, it is necessary to monitor the changes in this backlog within the coming months.


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