
Patent applications and patents proposing new solutions for diagnosis, prophylaxis and treatment of Chikungunya and Zika can benefit of priority examination

Posted on: 10/5/2018

Diseases such as Chikungunya and Zika are caused by the same vector: the aedes aegipty mosquito.

Resolution No. 217/2018 modifies former Resolution No. 80/2013, which regulated the prioritization of examination for patent applications covering pharmaceutical products and processes. 

From now on, in addition to patent applications related to diagnosis, prophylaxis and treatment of HIV, Cancer and neglected diseases, patent applications related to rare diseases, which according to World Health Organization (WHO) are those affecting less than 65 out of 100,000 individuals or 1.3 individuals out of 2,000 individuals, are now eligible for prioritization examination. Furthermore, granted patents related to diagnosis, prophylaxis and treatment of HIV, Cancer, neglected diseases and rare diseases are also eligible for prioritized examination.

Apart from the above, Resolution No. 217/2018 also included two new diseases in the list of neglected diseases, namely, Chikungunya and Zika, for which the prioritization of examination can be requested.

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