
Luiz Leonardos is recognized by the Chambers Brazil Contentious guide

Posted on: 25/3/2021

Chambers Brazil

Luiz Leonardos is recognized by the Chambers Brazil Contentious guide

Luiz Leonardos is recognized, in the Senior Statesman category, by the Chambers Brazil Contentious guide.

About the lawyer the guide comments:

Distinguished founding partner Luiz Leonardos is held in high esteem for his longstanding experience in the area, with one observer reporting: "He has the utmost respect from the entire IP community." A market commentator says: "He is an authority in the sector," while another states: "He is one of the most knowledgeable IP lawyers in the world."

For more information go to:
  • T. +55 21 3514 0400
  • F. +55 21 3514 0401 / 3852 3495
  • Headquarters: Av. das Américas, 4200, BL9, Suites 217-B to 220-B | Rio de Janeiro, RJ | Brazil | 22640-102.
    São Paulo Branch: 1098, St Leopoldo Couto de Magalhães Júnior / Conj. 44 - Itaim Bibi - São Paulo, SP - CEP 04542-001 Brazil.